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  1. Leading Teams poster image

    Leading Teams

    Work­ing as a team helps peo­ple achieve much more than they can as indi­vid­u­als. Becom­ing a high-per­for­mance team requires care­ful plan­ning, sup­port, and lead­er­ship. Learn the roles, respon­si­bil­i­ties, skills, and prac­tices that enable lead­ers to guide teams to success.

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  2. The DMAIC Process poster image

    The DMAIC Process

    DMA­IC is a five-phase approach for design­ing, deliv­er­ing, and sus­tain­ing improve­ment projects. Learn the objec­tives of each phase, the struc­tured activ­i­ties of each phase, com­mon sta­tis­ti­cal tools and analy­sis tech­niques used dur­ing each phase, how to con­duct toll­gate reviews between each phase, and how project lead­ers must han­dle project closure.

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  3. 3P Proceso de Preparación de la Producción poster image

    3P Proceso de Preparación de la Producción

    Una de las her­ramien­tas más trans­for­mado­ras en la metodología Lean, 3P va más allá de las mejo­ras grad­uales, en lugar de eso, apun­ta a cam­bios inno­vadores con un gran impacto. 3P sig­nifi­ca Pro­ce­so de Preparación de la Pro­duc­ción” y describe la primera en una serie de tres eta­pas de dis­eño Lean. El dis­eño Lean tam­bién incluye prue­bas ráp­i­das de ideas y la incor­po­ración de her­ramien­tas y prin­ci­p­ios Lean en el dis­eño del espa­cio de tra­ba­jo y los pro­ce­sos inter­nos. Este entre­namien­to Lean 3P está dis­eña­do para apren­dices que ya tienen expe­ri­en­cia con prác­ti­cas Lean como Kaizen, Res­olu­ción Prác­ti­ca de Prob­le­mas y 5S.

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  4. Lean Finance poster image

    Lean Finance

    Finan­cial lead­ers play a key role in ensur­ing the suc­cess of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment efforts. Although con­tin­u­ous improve­ment efforts con­tribute sig­nif­i­cant­ly to prof­itable growth, tra­di­tion­al finan­cial mea­sure­ment, report­ing, bud­get­ing, fore­cast­ing, and plan­ning process­es can often be obsta­cles to this suc­cess. Learn the main areas that finan­cial lead­ers must study in order to enable the suc­cess of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment in their organizations.

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  5. P-M Analysis poster image

    P‑M Analysis

    P‑M Analy­sis is a tech­nique for address­ing chron­ic loss­es. This approach to cause analy­sis thor­ough­ly stud­ies the M, or Mech­a­nisms, of a spe­cif­ic prob­lem phe­nom­e­non relat­ed to equip­ment, or P. Learn the dif­fer­ences between chron­ic loss­es and spo­radic loss­es, the char­ac­ter­is­tics of P‑M Analy­sis com­pared to oth­er com­mon cause analy­sis approach­es, the eight steps for con­duct­ing P‑M Analy­sis, and a typ­i­cal project team and how they use a sto­ry­board to visu­al­ize their work.

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  6. TPM Education and Training poster image

    TPM Education and Training

    The TPM Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing pil­lar is a key enabler of all oth­er TPM meth­ods, tech­niques, and prac­tices. By fol­low­ing the step-by-step approach to build­ing this pil­lar, we design and deploy long-term plans to devel­op people’s skills that are key to rais­ing moti­va­tion, improv­ing equip­ment per­for­mance, and meet­ing busi­ness objectives.

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  7. How to Run Virtual Kata in the Classroom poster image

    How to Run Virtual Kata in the Classroom

    Expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing is an effec­tive way to learn con­tin­u­ous improve­ment con­cepts, but what hap­pens when par­tic­i­pants can only con­nect vir­tu­al­ly? The answer is that there are ways to vir­tu­al­ly prac­tice con­tin­u­ous improve­ment con­cepts, includ­ing the Kata in the Class­room work­shop. Orig­i­nal­ly tar­get­ed at Mid­dle School teach­ers, Kata in the Class­room has now found its way into K‑12, col­lege, and cor­po­rate edu­ca­tion­al set­tings around the world. This course uses a cloud-based spread­sheet instead of a jig­saw puz­zle and pro­vides tips and tricks to suc­cess­ful­ly run the work­shop virtually.

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  8. Change Management poster image

    Change Management

    Change man­age­ment offers a struc­tured process for plan­ning, prepar­ing, imple­ment­ing, and mon­i­tor­ing suc­cess­ful change in an orga­ni­za­tion. Learn the sev­en com­mon rea­sons that change efforts fail, proven frame­works for avoid­ing these fail­ure modes, and how to form and oper­ate a steer­ing com­mit­tee that is able to man­age risk, engage stake­hold­ers, and mon­i­tor the progress of a change initiative.

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  9. How to Design Internal Logistics Delivery Routes poster image

    How to Design Internal Logistics Delivery Routes

    The design and oper­a­tion of deliv­ery routes are cen­tral to the suc­cess of an inter­nal logis­tics sys­tem. Learn the four com­mon types of deliv­ery routes, the role of pull sig­nals in logis­tics infor­ma­tion flow, how to cre­ate deliv­ery route stan­dard work, how to fol­low the step-by-step approach to design­ing a con­tin­u­ous replen­ish­ment deliv­ery route, and more.

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  10. Facilitation poster image


    A key role of a facil­i­ta­tor is to help par­tic­i­pants of meet­ings, work­shops, con­fer­ences, or oth­er events meet cer­tain objec­tives with­in a set amount of time. Facil­i­ta­tion skills and prac­tices help engage peo­ple in change, improve­ment, or inno­va­tion activ­i­ties. Learn what a facil­i­ta­tor is and is not, how they facil­i­tate dif­fer­ent types of activ­i­ties and the sev­en key facil­i­ta­tion skills.

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  11. QFD Quality Function Deployment poster image

    QFD Quality Function Deployment

    Qual­i­ty Func­tion Deploy­ment (QFD) is a struc­tured approach for trans­lat­ing cus­tomer needs into tech­ni­cal require­ments. QFD has great sig­nif­i­cance in mod­ern prod­uct devel­op­ment because of rapid­ly chang­ing tech­nolo­gies and cus­tomer needs. Cor­rect­ly iden­ti­fy­ing cus­tomer needs is para­mount to our abil­i­ty to design prod­ucts and ser­vices that meet these needs. By doing this, QFD plays a key role in sup­port­ing an orga­ni­za­tion’s design and devel­op­ment efforts. Learn how the dia­gram known as the House of Qual­i­ty cre­ates a visu­al frame­work for link­ing cus­tomer needs with design spec­i­fi­ca­tions, best prac­tices for col­lect­ing Voice of the Cus­tomer data, prac­tices for eval­u­at­ing, rank­ing, and pri­or­i­tiz­ing tech­ni­cal require­ments, and more.

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  12. How To Build a Supermarket poster image

    How To Build a Supermarket

    The super­mar­ket is a parts stor­age area that serves as a key build­ing block of a flow-focused inter­nal logis­tics sys­tem. Learn the main dif­fer­ences between super­mar­kets and tra­di­tion­al stor­age, its advan­tages, and the steps for devel­op­ing, sus­tain­ing, and improv­ing super­mar­ket operations.

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  13. What is a Water Spider? poster image

    What is a Water Spider?

    The water spi­der plays a crit­i­cal role in help­ing an orga­ni­za­tion achieve smooth flow. They move mate­ri­als through an oper­a­tion, step in to relieve team mem­bers, and pre­vent non-rou­tine tasks from inter­rupt­ing the work­flow. Learn how the role of a water spi­der dif­fers from that of an inter­nal logis­tics deliv­ery dri­ver, the three types of water spi­der tasks, how to set their work inter­val, and how to cre­ate stan­dard work for a water spi­der role.

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  14. What is Internal Logistics? poster image

    What is Internal Logistics?

    As orga­ni­za­tions take steps toward achiev­ing con­tin­u­ous flow it’s com­mon for one or more sup­port­ing sys­tems to strug­gle. A typ­i­cal prob­lem is that mate­r­i­al han­dling and sup­ply process­es can’t keep up with the faster pace of one-piece flow. In oth­er words, we need to build a sys­tem of inter­nal logis­tics that enables con­tin­u­ous flow. Learn the steps for build­ing an inter­nal logis­tics sys­tem from cre­at­ing a plan for every part (PFEP), prepar­ing a parts super­mar­ket, devel­op­ing deliv­ery routes, design­ing racks, con­tain­ers and con­veyance sys­tems, and doc­u­ment­ing stan­dard work for logistics.

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